Basingstoke Community Forum
Dog Watch
Dog Watch is an initiative that encourages dog walkers to be pro-active and vigilant in their area whilst out walking their dogs. This is because they are often the first people out and about in the mornings, and the last ones out at night. They are then able to report any unusual observations, suspicious activity or anti-social behaviour back to the relevant authority.Crime types include (but is not limited to):
Suspicious activity / vehicles
Graffiti / vandalism
Nuisance vehicles / speeding
Anti-social behaviour
Dog fouling
Dog related incidents (lost/stolen dogs, livestock worrying)
Injured animals
Abandoned vehicles
It’s important to note that at no time will dog walkers be expected to intervene in any incidents. Members of DW are not vigilantes, stopping crime is a Police job. DW is simply about the public sharing information with the relevant authority (Police, Council and partner agencies) and vice versa, so together the community and authorities can help make neighbourhoods safer.
A few of the Basingstoke Town Centre Neighbourhood Team would love to say hello and join in on a dog walk on Sunday 12th January 2025 at 08:30hrs.
Meeting point will be outside The Orchard, Basingstoke, RG21 4AF
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