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inbasingstoke.co.uk puts small files (known as 'cookies') onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the site.

Cookies are used to:

  • measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs
  • remember the notifications you've seen so that we don't show them to you again

You'll normally see a message on the site before we store a cookie on your computer.

Find out more about how to manage cookies.

How cookies are used on inbasingstoke.co.uk

Measuring website usage (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use inbasingstoke.co.uk. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements.

Google Analytics stores information about:

  • the pages you visit on inbasingstoke.co.uk
  • how long you spend on each inbasingstoke.co.uk page
  • how you got to the site
  • what you click on while you're visiting the site

We don't collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) so this information can't be used to identify who you are.

We don't allow Google to use or share our analytics data.

Google Analytics sets the following cookies:

Universal Analytics

Name Purpose Expires
__gpi This helps us count how many people visit inbasingstoke.co.uk by tracking if you've visited before 2 years
__gads Google DoubleClick 1 year
_ga_7GQ2DE9Q08 Google Analytics 1 year
_ga Google Analytics 1 year
cookieconsent_UK-BAS Cookie Consent 2 months

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies.

Our session and cookie consent message

You may see a pop-up welcome message when you first visit inbasingstoke.co.uk. We'll store a cookie so that your computer knows you've seen it and knows not to show it again.

Name Purpose Expires
PHPSESSID Save information about your current visit, such as username. end of current sessions